We are glad to mark moments of commitment and change in life, because it is often at these moments that we are most open to God.
Sometimes we mark commitments in human relationships, as when people get married. Many of the ’life events’ we mark are stages of our growing relationship with God, such as when people are confirmed.
This section gives details of some of the main ways we accompany people at important events. But there will be other special times too. Please ask if there is some moment in life for which you would like our prayers and God’s help.
Baptism of Children
Baptism, or Christening, is a momentous moment on the Christian journey. It marks the point when someone becomes part of God’s woldwide church, a member of the body of Christ, receiving God’s vocation to follow Jesus and love him always.
Even though the congregation, parents and godparents make various commitments at baptism, baptism is firstly God’s commitment to us. He makes the love he shows to us in the death and resurrection of Jesus particular for the person being baptised. The Bible tells us that when we are baptised it’s as if we die to our old life and rise again to a new and eternal life with God.
We are delighted to baptise any children who live in our parish or who are related to members of the congregation.
If you are thinking of having your child baptised, we encourage you to come along to one of our regular services because our Baptisms are part of our regular services (as opposed to a separate service). Once you’re ready to arrange a baptism, please make contact with our Vicar, Rev’d Joan Edmundson, who will then arrange a meeting with you to discuss all necessary arrangements.
Baptism of Adults
We welcome adults enquiring about being baptised. For an adult to be baptised is a significant stage on our journey with God. We recognise that God has reached out to us and we which to show our love and commitment to him in response.
Usually adults being baptised will be regular worshippers in our church. Normally an adult being baptised will also prepare for Confirmation at the same time. If you are thinking about taking this step of faith, please get in touch with our Vicar who will be pleased to discuss this with you.
We welcome couples wanting to get married in any of our churches to get in touch to talk with us. If you live in our parish or have a qualifying connection with our parish, and are free to marry, you can get married in any of our churches.
Generally the priest will meet with you three or four times in preparation for your wedding. These meetings give a chance for us to get to know each other, to discuss the meaning and significance of marriage and to plan the service. There will also be a rehearsal for your wedding.
This is a hard and bewildering time. But it’s also a time often filled with fond memories and a desire to say thank you for your loved one.
As Christians we believe that death is not the end of our story. The death and resurrection of Jesus show that life with God is the end of our story, and death is a stage on our journey to this fullness of life.
We work with families in planning funeral services. We are delighted for you to have a funeral service in any of our churches, whether or not the person who died came to church or not.
In our planning the service we will work with you to ensure the funeral reflects the person who has died. You will be able to choose music and readings. Often a friend or relative gives a short tribute.
We’re really pleased to hear from you if you’d like to enquire more about any of these matters.